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Hello and welcome to my offerings page, this is where you can find out more about my healing services. I work intuitively so sessions last as long as the energy is running through to completion of the process. Often they are between 45 minutes to 2 hours maximum.


The energy exchange is the amount that is offered as a commitment to your healing journey and to acknowledgement of the depth of presence and care I will be providing you. 

An initial 15 minute connecting call is free of charge for you to feel into my energy and know if my services are right for you.


Healing Offerings

Below are three ways in which I share my gifts through energy healing interactions with others. There are sessions available online, in person and within family/group experiences also. Each session is completely intuitive so that I can really be present in the current moment and feel what is needed for the greatest good of each individual.


Loving Enquiry

One to One Spiritual first aid, lets see what the pain or discomfort is alerting us to so you can return to safety as quick as possible.

I give you my total presence to hear, see and feel what is happening for you currently in the present moment so I can understand the whole truth of your experience. With this information I can follow along to get to the root or 'initial imprint' when the trauma first happened. I acknowledge the imprint and bring it back to love and acceptance which transmutes it and in return you receive a gift of insight and energies that bring new fresh experiences to you such as success in work, joy in love and flow in life. 

How- I ask questions and find out what your pain is trying to tell us. I use my ability to guide energy to disintegrate the blocks and move energy around the body. I complete by integrating the changes by staying present with you and the flow of energy until the process is complete. 

Benefits- A great help if you are overwhelmed and in strong pain/ discomfort. Quick and straight forward- straight to the core of what the block is relating to to bring you back to peace and ease in a shorter time frame, reducing suffering time.  


Where- in person or over distance via Zoom so it is accessible to all around the world. 

Energy exchange - £111


Channelled Aura Cleansing and Restoration

Amazing if you work with people yourself and want to keep up healthy energetic maintenance. If you are having trouble clearing a large trauma on your own. Great if you want a deep clean, top notch self care and a loving kindness gift to yourself.  

How- Intuitively I feel the subtle needs of your body and provide your physical self with kind present touch via pressure points and massage. I then work with outer layers of the energy body to clear and ground past stagnant energies which are not serving you any more. Completing the experience with a welcoming in of more love and healing high frequencies that bring you into alignment and have you living to your full best self.

Benefits- Full clear out of any blocks, healing of long term pains or discomfort, huge changes in how you see life so you can be open to more miracles. Influx of new spiritual gifts and clarity for decision making. 

Where- This service is in person and based in Gillingham Dorset. 

Energy Exchange - £111


Collective Limiting Beliefs Energy Clearing 

A powerful online Zoom call where you will be a part of a group of other open minded, joy hungry souls. Family collective trauma can also be addressed with this offering. This is a great way to clear a lot of old collective trauma or feelings of lack or hopelessness to move into abundance. 

How- We focus on one topic, such as money or romantic relationships, for example, and I vocalise words, we see what reactions show up as sensations in our bodies and then clear anything that does not feel expansive or in alignment with abundance. 

Finishing up with clear and concise new affirmations or power phrases that bring what you want into reality. 

Benefits- There is wonderful visceral instant change to be felt in the body which is amplified when in a group which confirms that new clarity will show up in the external world. Vibrating higher so you attract more aligned partners or more money and more. 

Where- via Facebook live, Zoom or meet ups around the Dorset Area.

Energy exchange - £80 per person

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